1. 2017年斯里蘭卡國際建筑工程機械展

          作者:北京宏聯中企來源:網縱會展網 發表時間:2017-01-03關注 次 | 評論

          展覽地點斯里蘭卡 - 斯里蘭卡 科倫坡 BMICH Colombo,Sri Lanka






          【英文名稱】CONSTRUCT 2017


          【展出地點】斯里蘭卡  科倫坡 BMICH Colombo,Sri Lanka









          CONSTRUCT由NCASL斯里蘭卡建筑協會舉辦,每年一屆。展覽面積約5000平方米,參觀人數約達1.8萬人次。斯里蘭卡是寶石的王國,被稱為印度洋上的一顆珍珠。過去幾十年由于內戰的拖累,經濟發展受到限制。2009 年內戰結束以后,斯里蘭卡經濟突飛猛進,在當前嚴峻的世界經濟形勢下逆市而上。內戰結束,形勢穩定,百廢待興,目前斯里蘭商機凸顯,特別是基礎設施建設領域。數據顯示,去年斯里蘭卡已投入700 億盧比(約合5.47 億美元)用于高速公路、能源、水利、城市管網等基礎設施項目。斯里蘭卡首條高速公路已于2011 年底建成。與此同時,基礎設施建設的熱潮帶動了斯里蘭卡對工程機械設備的大量需求,包括工程機械、路面設備等。房地產開發內戰結束后,斯里蘭卡旅游業恢復活力,2010 年斯里蘭卡被紐約時報列為年度最值得旅游的31 個目的地之首的國家。目前該國正積極加快國內交通網絡建設,提升酒店接待能力,這為房地產業發展帶來機遇。斯里蘭卡計劃在未來5 年增加50000 間酒店房間數。據悉,已批準在全國范圍內新建35 家五星級酒店,其中首都科倫坡新建11 家。此外,由于斯里蘭卡高端投資人士及旅居澳、美、英、加等國的僑民認為高端公寓 

          是當地最可靠的投資選擇,因此,當前斯里蘭卡豪華公寓開發如火如荼。據統計,西部省特別是科倫坡地區50%的高端公寓在開工前就已售出。有關機構預測,2020年以前,科倫坡每年需修建10 萬套公寓才能滿足市場需求。當地房地產業的繁榮,帶動對鋁材、塑鋼、水泥、鋼鐵、大理石、衛浴、維護設備等材料的需求量日趨龐大,而斯里蘭卡建材類產品需求幾乎100%靠進口,這為中國企業提供了巨大的商機。


          "CONSTRUCT" organized annually since 2001 by the National Construction Association of Sri Lanka (NCASL) will be held on 25th, 26th, 27th August 2017 for the 17th consecutive year, at the Sirimavo Bandaranaike Memorial Exhibition Center (SBMEC) Colombo, Sri Lanka.

          Most recognized key exhibition in the South Asian Region

          CONSTRUCT has evolved to greater heights and is now the industry's key trade fair in the South Asian Region.

          CONSTRUCT plays a prominent role because it has so much to offer. This is confirmed by the extremely positive response received for the display of building materials, building services and construction equipment.

          CONSTRUCT is an international exhibition, which showcases products from Malaysia, India, Pakistan and China.

          CONSTRUCT 2017 will deliver unprecedented access to key decision-makers in civil construction, quarrying, construction materials and related industries.

          CONSTRUCT will greatly increase the future business prospects along with incorporating events which are absolutely demand oriented

          "CONSTRUCT EXHIBITION" is Sri Lanka's No. 1 Construction Exhibition which is the largest, most prestigious and most influential Construction Industry related exhibition & it brings together the entire value chain of the building & construction industry under one roof organized by the National Construction Association of Sri Lanka (NCASL) for the 16th consecutive year.

          CONSTRUCT 2016 will bring together builders, architects, engineers, contractors, developers, consultants, interior designers, quantity surveyors among many others in what is expected to be a most comprehensive construction trade exhibition in the country. This year's exhibition will feature over three hundred local and foreign exhibitors while showcasing the achievements of Sri Lanka's construction Industry and will function as a vibrant networking platform and resource center for all construction industry related players in the Asia Pacific region.

          CONSTRUCT plays a prominent role because it has so much to offer. This is confirmed by the extremely positive response elicited by the combination of building materials, building services and construction equipment.

          The main objective of the exhibition is to develop the construction industry in Sri Lanka by introducing world-class products, services and state-of-the-art technology. The exhibition will also provide an opportunity for exhibitors to display the latest range of products and services to the ideal target audience.


          Air Conditioning                   Building Materials

          Cement and Cement Based Products   Construction Chemicals >Repair material

          Doors & Windows                    Floor Tiles Wall Tiles

          Insulation                         Jacuzzi & Bath Tubs

          Doors, Windows & Locks             Paints & Wall Finishes

          Power Generators                   Roofing Systems

          Sanitary Ware & Bathroom Fittings  Scaffolding Equipment

          Steel Based Products               Timber, Timber Panels Veneers

          WaterTanks& Draining Systems       Earthmoving Attachments,

          CompressorsConstruction Chemicals Road Construction & Maintenance Equipment - Adhesives, Water Proofing and Sealants

          Carpets                            Construction Equipment & TechnologiesCleaning Equipment

          Electrical Switch Gear Equipment   Furniture & Fittings

          Interior Decor                     Lighting & Fittings

          Material Handling Equipment        Pipes Fittings

          Plywood and Fib Boards             Roof & Wall Cladding

          Safety & Security Systems          Shower Cubicles

          Solar & Thermal Products           Ventilation Systems

          Earthmoving & Construction Equipment Concrete Products

          Water Reticulation                 PumpsLandscaping Equipment 






          聯 系 人:郭海艷

          聯系電話:15321568226      010-57754769

          Q      Q: 935760454      

          郵    箱: guohaiyan@hlzqexpo.com 




          2017.3.7-11    美國工程機械展

          2017.4.5-7     蒙古國際礦業展

          2017.4.20-22   肯尼亞國際工程機械、建筑機械、礦山機械展

          2017.4.25-27   俄羅斯國際礦業展

          2017.4.25-28   越南國際工程、礦山機械展

          2017.5.15-19   智利北方國際采礦業展

          2017.5.20-22   埃塞俄比亞國際建筑機械展

          2017.6.8-10    泰國國際工程機械展

          2017.8.10-12   坦桑尼亞國際建筑機械、工程機械展

          2017.8.25-27   斯里蘭卡國際建筑機械展

          2017.8.29-31   澳大利亞國際礦業展(全球四大礦業展之一)

          2017.9.13-16   印尼國際采礦業展

          2017.9.20-22   泰國國際混凝土展

          2017.10.4-8    智利國際混凝土展


          2017.1.10-12   美國建筑建材展 IBS

          2017.2.8-11    埃及國際建筑建材展

          2017.3.15-19   越南河內國際建筑建材及室內裝飾展

          2017.4.20-22   肯尼亞國際五金建材展

          2017.5.12-14   埃塞俄比亞建筑建材展

          2017.6.5-7     尼日利亞建筑建材展

          2017.7.12-14   盧旺達建材建材、建筑機械展

          2017.8.10-12   坦桑尼亞國際建筑建材展

          2017.9.27-30   越南胡志明國際建筑建材及室內裝飾展

          2017.10.4-7    智利國際五金建材展

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