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          編輯:劉雪云來源:網縱會展網 發表時間:2020-03-31 13:56:20關注 次 | 查看所有評論

          內容摘要: High-end Wine 2020 :86-21-6840 5229 20 20 第 11 屆 上海名酒節暨國際高端葡萄酒博覽會 The 11 th China (Shang hai) International High-end Wine Spirits Exhibition 2020 Shanghai Famous Wine Festival 時間: 20 20 年 6 月……

          High-end Wine  2020 :86-21-6840 5229


          The 11th China (Shang hai) International High-end Wine & Spirits Exhibition 2020

          Shanghai Famous Wine Festival

          時間:202064-6     地點:中國·上海光大會展中心

          Date: June 4-6, 2020   Venue: Shanghai Everbright Convention & Exhibition Center,China

          網址/ Web:www.high-endwine.com

          指導單位·Guidance unit

          國際洋酒協會| International Association of Spirits

          國際葡萄與葡萄酒組織協會| International Association of Vine and Wine Organization


          Wine and Fruit Wine Commission of China National Food Industry Association

          主辦單位·Hosted by


          Vine and Wine Industry Sub-Council of China-Europe Association for Technical and Economic Cooperation

          協辦單位·Co-organizer by


          Chinese Fruit Wine Industry Technology Innovation Strategic Alliance

          全國食文化聯盟丨National Food Culture Alliance

          承辦單位·Organized by

          上海展窯展覽服務有限公司丨Shanghai Kilnexpo Exhibition Service Co.,Ltd.

          支持單位·Supported by


          智利葡萄酒協會| Wines of Chile

          意大利葡萄酒協會| ITALIAN WINE PROMOTION

          美國葡萄酒協會| American Wine Association

          南非葡萄酒協會| Wines of South Africa

          阿根廷葡萄酒協會| Wines of Argentina

          德國葡萄酒協會| German Wine Institute

          香港葡萄酒協會| Hongkong Wine Association

          南澳大利亞葡萄酒協會| South Australian Wine Industry Association

          羅訥河谷葡萄酒行業協會、  西班牙紅酒協會


          Wine Sub-Council of Chinese Society for Horticultural Science

          江蘇省酒類協會葡萄酒分會|Wine Branch of Jiangsu Liquor Association

          甘肅省葡萄酒產業協會| Gansu Wine Industry Association

          寧夏葡萄酒協會| Ningxia Wine Society






          ■展會概況·Exhibition Overview:



          The theme of this exhibition is "Tasting world wine, enjoy wine life".

          As one of the influential of high brand wine exhibition, China, accumulated since 2010 more than 80 international wine production mechanism,related associations of resources, more than 30,000 wineries and importers, nearly 60,000 dealers; previous exhibition attracted nearly 1,000 companies from France, Italy, Spain, and Australia, United States, Germany, Portugal, Romania, Argentina, South Africa, Chile and other more than 30 countries participating, the total exhibition area of 120,000 ㎡, of which 65% for foreign wineries. Domestic wine dealers, agents, wholesalers, star hotels, business super, catering, group buying, clubs and other business man, 82%. Has become an international platform for many wine merchants and wine lovers, and has won full recognition and high praise from associations and commercial organizations at home and abroad. We will continue to uphold the help of domestic and foreign merchants to establish a corporate brand image in the Chinese area, the purpose of achieving sales targets and expand the Chinese wine market scale, to create an international high-end wine exhibition good international effect, warmly welcome domestic and foreign merchants to come to visit the wine tasting!

          據**葡萄酒市場報告預計:2022年全球葡萄酒市場將達到US$402億元。在全球市場不斷增長的大背景下,亞洲市場尤其是中國市場的增速最快,將以每年5%的速度遞增。中國葡萄酒市場價值潛力巨大,已成為國內外葡萄酒專業人士共識。作為中國東部地區具有國際影響力的葡萄酒博覽會,High-end Wine的展會規模、參展商家數量以及參會觀眾數量屢創新高;對高質量葡萄酒需求的持續增長,越來越多的葡萄酒貿易商將不斷尋求新的高質量葡萄酒貨源,我們將專注于為葡萄酒經營群體及商務人士提供專業貿易合作平臺。

          ■同期舉辦·Co-located with(籌劃中):

          一帶一路葡萄酒大賽| The Belt and Road Wine Competition


          Shanghai International High-end Spirits and Beer Exhibition 2020

          意大利、法國、西班牙葡萄酒專場品鑒會| Italy,France,Spain wine tasting


          Australian wine winery Investment Promotion & dinner

          智利、烏克蘭葡萄酒品鑒會| Chile,Ukraine wine tasting

          酒文化藝術博覽及論壇|Wine Culture and Art Exposition and Forum


          展品范圍|Scope of exhibits







          ·After the various varieties of wine: red wine, white wine, pink wine, dry wine, sweet wine,etc.

          ·Foreign wine: Champagne, sherry, Icewine, brandy, whiskey, vodka, sake, sparkling wine,etc.

          ·Traditional and fashionable wine: white wine, yellow, health wine, beer, cocktail,liqueur,etc.

          ·This wine appliances and related products: wine opener, Bottle cap, cork, nose, wooden box, cabinet, and wine decanter,etc.

          ·The barrels, cans, vessels, packaging, storage equipment, logistics transportation,etc.

          ·All promotional materials and other organizations, medals, certificates, Wine books, magazines, media, education and training institutions and service agencies,etc.

          ■專業觀眾| Visiting audience

          多年積累的豐富數據庫的基礎上,High-end Wine 2020將繼續邀請:









          Based on the rich database accumulated over the years, High-end Wine 2019 will continue to invite:

          1, wine, food distributors, agents, importers, distributors and agencies all over the country;

          2, gift buying companies, terminals, network vendors, shop and so on;

          3, all kinds of leisure clubs, bars and so on;

          4, hotels, restaurants, foreign restaurants and star hotels are also one of the markets for wine consumption. At present, there are over 8,000 hotels, Chinese and Western restaurants and chain restaurants in Shanghai as well as in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces;

          5, group buying units: associations, business organizations, state-owned enterprises, international companies, etc.;

          6, various supermarkets, such as Carrefour, WAL-MART, Metro, 7-11, RT mart, Lianhua, Hualian, ngs, good moral, and the family can, Quik, Tesco, jiadelil, lotus, the airport duty-free shops, duty-free shops in the bonded area;

          7, media reporters: wine, consumer, food, hotel, health category;

          8, Wine enthusiasts, California, occupation managers and high consumer groups.

          ■參展費用|Booth Rate:


          A:國內企業:16800.00/展期(RMB) 3m×3m

          B:國外企業: 4800.00/展期(USD) 3m×3m

          ★標準展位:3m×3m國內企業:RMB 12800.00/個;國外企業:$ 3800.00/個




          B:國外企業: 380.00(USD)/平方米/展期


          ★ 新產品新技術發布會:每場10,000元/45分鐘,國外企業3000.00(USD)

          ★ 行業特別協辦單位18萬,僅限1家;協辦單位128,000,僅限2家;招待晚宴協辦單位108,000元,限1家(詳情見附件1、2、3)。

          International Exhibitor

          ? Standard Booths(3m*3m):USD 3,800/9㎡;Deluxe booth(3m*3m):USD 4,800/9㎡;

          (Plus 10% for corner booth).

          ? Raw Space:USD 380/㎡(minimum 36 sq.m.).

          ? New product and new technology conference: USD 3000/45 minutes

          Industry special co organizer $32,800, only 1; CO organizer $23,800, only 2; reception dinner co organizer $20,000, limited to 1 (details see attachment 1, 2, 3).

          ▉參展程序| Exhibition Procedure:


          1.填寫《參展申請表》郵寄或傳真至組織單位。展位執行 “先申請,先付款,先安排”的原則;


          1.fill in the application form for exhibition, mail or fax to the organization. The principle of "first application, first payment, first arrangement";

          2.Within one week after the Booth Application,Exhibitors will cost [50% (deposit) or full payment] by telegraphic transfer or pay to the organization ,the balance paid before in May 3, 2020. After remitting the expenses, the exhibitor will send the bank remittance email to the exhibition organization.

          High-end Wine 2020上海名酒節暨國際高端葡萄酒及烈酒展覽會組委會

          Organizing Committee of The 11th China (Shang hai) International High-end Wine & Spirits Exhibition 2020



          聯系人:華東區 習經理17765110324(微信)

          QQ: 274402319

          E-mail: 13482165724@163.com


          Add:88 Sanlin Road,Shanghai,Pudong New Area



          聯系人華北區 李工13439880025(北京)

          地址: 北京市通州區九棵樹西路78號


          聯系人:華南區 楊生13710491808(廣州)

          地址: 廣州市海珠區新港東路238號


          International Division

          Contacts: Jimmy

          WeChat: 13482165724

          Tel: 86-29-8458-4816 

          E-mail: sales@kilnexpo.com

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