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          China Tourism Industry Expo 2019 Invitation

          編輯:劉雪云來源:網縱會展網 發表時間:2019-07-11關注 次 | 查看所有評論

          內容摘要: China Tourism Industry Expo 2019, jointly sponsored by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and the Tianjin Municipal People’s Government, will be held from September 6 to 8 at the Meijiang Convention and Exhibition Center in Tianjin. As a……

          China Tourism Industry Expo 2019, jointly sponsored by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and the Tianjin Municipal People’s Government, will be held from September 6 to 8 at the Meijiang Convention and Exhibition Center in Tianjin.
          As an integrated tourism exhibition supported by the Ministry of
          Culture and Tourism, it has been held for ten consecutive sessions and has
          been highly recognized and praised by tourism industries at home and abroad. In 2018, more than 700 traveling salesmen (from 26 provinces and municipalities) participated in the exhibition, and nearly 185,000 visitors attended the exhibition. The volume of on-site and intentional transactions was nearly 10 billion yuan.
          With the integration of culture and tourism in China, the development of global culture and tourism industries usher in new opportunities. Based on the actual needs of innovation and integration development of the culture and tourism industry, this exhibition will bring togetherwell-known tourist destinations, scenic spots, hotels, travel agencies, museums, airlines, cruise companies, cultural tourism equipment
          enterprises (including RVs, yachts, cruise ships, general aircraft, outdoor equipment, scenic equipment, hotel supplies, intelligent tourism
          equipment, etc.), tourism cultural and creative enterprises, traditional arts and crafts enterprises, cultural performing arts groups, tourism planning enterprises, tourism culture and media enterprises, etc. at home and abroad, focusing on displaying the latest worldwide cultural and tourism products and equipment, organizing on-site procurement talks among scenic spots, hotels, theme parks, travel agencies and professional clubs, and
          conducting symposium on the difficulties and hot issues in the
          development of culture and tourism industry. We strive to build a comprehensive platform for transactions, business talks, cooperation and discussions for the development of international culture and tourism industries.
          We are hereby sincerely inviting your institution to form a delegation and participate in the exhibition, and recommend potential buyers who
          will participate in the exhibition as trade visitors and buyers if being
          invited by you or the organizing committee.
          We would earnestly look forward to your attendance at the exhibition.

          participation fee
          Open space: 1300 per square meter (not less than 36 square meters) Standard booth: 13000 per square meter
          Note: The International Cultural and Tourism Exhibition Area is located in the N3 Hall of the Meijiang Convention and Exhibition Center, Tianjin.
          Contact: 15821706402, 17891911768 Wechat Same Number


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