1. 日本鞋展



          關注詞:2021日本東京國際鞋展覽會|日本東京國際鞋展 發表時間:2020-12-09 09:53:00 關注 次 | 查看所有評論

          Tokyo International Footwear Exhibition is the largest footwear exhibition in Japan. It is held twice a year. It is held in Tokyo in April and October every year. The exhibition effect is remarkable and the satisfaction of exhibitors is high. Nearly 100 Chinese enterprises go to Japan to participate in the exhibition every year, all of which have achieved good results. The last exhibition attracted nearly 950 shoe enterprises from nearly 30 countries to gather together, with a wide range of products, and nearly 63000 visitors. The organizer is Reed Exhibitions Japan. Spring 2021 fashion shoes exhibition will be held in Tokyo Big sight from April 7-9, 2021. It is estimated that more than 1000 manufacturers from 25 countries and regions will participate in the exhibition, attracting more than 60000 industry visitors.

          2021年日本東京國際鞋類展覽會|2021日本鞋展| シューズショー   

          Tokyo Shoes Expo 2021



          展館名稱:日本東京國際展覽中心(Tokyo Big Sight);

          主辦單位:日本勵展展覽公司(Reed Exhibitions Japan);





          Reason a: looking for Japanese importers and distributors - the key for the company's products to enter the Japanese market is to find Japanese high-quality importers. The best shortcut for seeking high-quality importers is to participate in the professional footwear exhibition in Japan. The exhibition is the best negotiation and trading place for building shoe manufacturers and Japanese footwear import distributors.

          理由B.與日本大型零售商進行面對面洽談——每年全日本的進口時裝服飾量都在攀升,為滿足市場需求,很多大型零售商都會來展會找尋新產品。 這是推廣貴公司產品與設計的醉佳機會。

          Reason B. face to face talks with large Japanese retailers - the volume of imported fashion clothing in Japan is increasing every year. In order to meet the market demand, many large retailers will come to the exhibition to find new products. This is the best opportunity to promote your products and designs.

          理由C.與日本廠商和代理商直接進行關于OEM/ODM(代工)的商談——日本時尚鞋展是促成OEM/ODM (代工) 業務的圣地。大多數日本潮流廠商和代理商都會參加展會,尋找新產品和代工工廠。如果您想拓展展OEM/ODM (代工)業務,請貴公司備齊產品和工廠信息,來展會 參展。

          Reason C. direct negotiation with Japanese manufacturers and agents on OEM / ODM (OEM) - Japan fashion shoes exhibition is the holy land to promote OEM / ODM (OEM) business. Most Japanese fashion manufacturers and agents will attend the exhibition, looking for new products and OEM factories. If you want to expand OEM / ODM (OEM) business, please prepare product and factory information to participate in the exhibition.


          Reason D. study the Japanese market - please prepare your product line and complete the market research. You can compare the products of other exhibitors to find the most suitable products for the Japanese market. In addition to the direct transaction with the seller, you can also do more in-depth market research for entering the Japanese market.


             日本東京國際鞋展是日本醉大的鞋類展覽會,一年兩屆,每年四月和十月固定在日本東京舉辦,展會效果顯著,展商滿意度高,每年有近百家中國企業去日本參展,均獲得較好效果。上屆展會吸引了來自近30個國家近950家鞋企匯聚一堂,產品琳瑯滿目,爭奇斗艷,有近63000人觀眾蒞臨展會現場。主辦單位為日本勵展展覽公司(Reed Exhibitions Japan)。2021年春季時尚鞋展將于2021年3月23-25日在Tokyo Big Sight展出,預估將有來自25個國家和地區的1000多家廠商參展,將吸引60,000多位業內訪客到場參觀。



          ① Men's shoes, women's shoes, children's shoes, leather shoes, rubber shoes, fashion shoes, sports shoes, indoor shoes, labor protection shoes (boots), vulcanized shoes, slippers, boots, rain shoes, dance shoes, leisure shoes, beach shoes and other finished shoes.


          ② Bags, leather goods, handbags, shoe materials, shoe machines, etc.


          聯系人:閆樹剛135 0183 6458(兼微信)   

          傳真 021-51714598      

          Q Q:2919982106       



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