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          PHOGRAIN TECHNOLOGY (SHENZHEN)|ネプコン ジャパン出展社一覧

          編輯:福貿國際展覽 來源: 發表時間:2021-08-24 14:02:55 關注 次 | 查看所有評論

          Main product Main products:PIN Photodiode Chip Series, 850nm Photodiode Chip Series, Avalanche Photodiode Chip Series, CATV PIN Photodiode Chip Series, Monitor Photodiode Chip Series, TO-CAN Series. Company Profile PHOGRAIN is a leading designerdeveloper and manufacturer of high-speed photodiodes, since more than 10 years the company has offered the broadest portfolio of Telcordia qualified InP and GaAs photodiodes for datacom and telecom applications in the industry.All photodiode products are manufactured in-house in Phograin's dedicated clean-room facilities.And give full play to its unique technical and industrial advantages in optical communication, data center, 3D imaging, near-infrared photography, unmanned driving, visual system, 5G communication

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