1. 亞洲國際精釀啤酒展


          CBCE 2021展商資訊│把握市場動態,如何為你的啤酒加成?

          編輯:主辦方 來源: 發表時間:2023-02-21 19:18:59 關注 次 | 查看所有評論












          Taizhou Twelvetap Brewing Equipment Co., Ltd. was established on May 22, 2006. Is a focus on barrel beer and liquid food distribution equipment system development, design, manufacturing, sales, service in one of the integrated enterprises. 


          Thanks to the love and support of all customers, the company's team can continue to optimize and grow. Twelvetap pursue higher quality and better development, and continue to expand the scale of production and operation.


          In the more than ten years of the company's development, Twelvetap sincerely advocate: market-oriented, innovation-oriented means, quality-centered, customer demand as the fundamental, diligently explore the domestic and foreign markets. Meanwhile, it has established long-term strategic cooperative relations with many famous enterprises in the industry at home and abroad, which has been highly appraised by customers and professionals in the industry.

          桶裝啤酒分配器 Keg Coupler


          The main body is made of brass, high pressure casting and is durable. Precision sandblasting treatment, eliminate burr flying edge. The core components are made of food-grade 304 stainless steel probes and food-grade rubber seals, which ensure health and safety throughout the whole process and ensure smooth entry and exit of beer. Stainless steel wire drawing new handle: ergonomic design, sleek curved design of the handle, increase the comfort when holding, strong and durable. It has the protection of national invention patent certification and appearance patent certification.

          智能打酒系統 Smart Beer Selling System(智能啤酒銷售系統)


          With the development of economy and the improvement of people's living standard, craft beer, as the best beer, has captured many people's hearts with its powerful beer charm. Drinking beer has become a consumption habit of modern people, and craft beer will replace bottle beer as the mainstream product in the near future. With the increasing demand for craft beer, we developed a smart beer selling system. It can replace the bar staff, greatly reducing labor costs, and customers can feel the fun . The background of the system can display the turnover in real time for convenient management at any time. Operating cost is small and flexible, market dynamics can be grasped at any time, once investment, long-term benefits flow continuously.

          吧臺酒柱 Beer Tower


          The whole product is made of food grade 304 stainless steel to ensure health and safety throughout the whole process, so that the quality and taste of every drop of beer is consistent. Corrosion resistance, high temperature resistance, good compression performance, durability without leakage point. Built-in rubber and plastic insulation cotton, closed foaming structure, small thermal conductivity, excellent thermal insulation effect and very low water absorption. With the built-in stainless steel circulation tube, the intensified heat preservation treatment ensures the constant temperature of the wine and reduces the production of foam. The surface is highly polished, looks bright and clean, feels smooth and delicate. A variety of colors, to meet your various decorative styles.


          在CBCE 2021





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